Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Moms cut off by Lawless America--

The following moms have been victimized by Lawless America- it is a damn shame that they were promised help- and now they were actually thrown away -

Here is Adrema's story, copyright Adrema Barbee Higgens 1/1/2013 American Mothers Political Party has permission to publish this story.

Here's my story and I want you to publish this story on the page of American Mothers Political Party...I want everyone to hear my story and learn something from this...Do not trust Bill Windsor of Lawless America...He is for equal parenting rights...and I'm sorry but what I've been through and what my son has been through, equal parenting is NOT what my son needs!!! I have an eight year old son named Tony who has aspergers syndrome, bipolar, ADHD, depression, and anxiety....but I love him just the same...my ex to this day, is in denial...this is shown by every doctors appt, psychiatrist appt, etc that he attends...we are divorced for several reasons...first,because of his denial, blaming me and my family for having a child who is special needs, no intimacy after our sons diagnosis was made, telling my mother he would have himself fixed so we wouldn't have anymore children, always working ( drowning himself in work so he wouldn't have to deal with our sons condition, choking our son on various occasions because he wouldn't eat, beating our son and leaving bruises on his buttocks, (I can beat him into being normal) etc. Etc...we divorced in 2009... Freedom I thought but he filed a new petition wanting to change custody three months to the day we divorced...he allegated I was a parental alienator...that my parents home where I reside now since we separated is an unhealthy environment...he continued to beat our son after the divorce and left bruises on his buttocks...I got tired of it and made DCS reports....Biggest mistake ever!! The caseworker lied and said I was doing this to our son...a guardian ad litem was appointed and he sided with the ex without interviewing me or our son...thank god in the middle of all of this the DCS caseworker was fired because she hid the abuse of her boyfriend she met through dCS! never trust a DCS caseworker!! Anyway the guardian ad litem forced us into mediation...I had to give the ex more time or let him have decision making...I chose decision making with the stipulation we had to follow dr and teacher recommendations...he didn't get more time to abuse our son...see the ex had domestically assaulted me and went to jail but he had gotten away with it...we had separated after that and I was determined he wasn't going to do our son that way...mediation was in May 2011... In September 2011 the ex decided he wasn't to go pay his child support...our son had come home and told me his dads mom had shaken him so I filed a new petition with the court...I went to court in November 2011 and the ex didn't show so I won by default...then in December 2011 the ex and his attorney went to court without my knowledge and had the judge to set aside the order in child support and the stipulation that only we would discipline our son...In June 2012 my son came back home to me and he stated his dad had choked him again because he wouldn't eat...I had it...I stopped visitation and went to court for an emergency hearing at the end of June...the judge refused to listen to any of my regular witnesses or to my son...he stated my son was a special needs child and he was only eight and he would not listen to him...I had to send my son back to this abuser and make up time...a final hearing was set for September 2012... Before court was to occur my son came back twice with bruises to his upper arms and shoulders and the child had disclosed to his teacher and counselor what was happening at dads house...the ex had dropped him off at the police station once and I had found the bruises before we ever left and I had made a police report and had the police take pictures...then in september 2012 when I went to court for the final hearing, the exs attorney stated he had sent me interrogatories or questions to complete for his discovery process...my attorney explained we had never gotten them, but despite this, the judge told me I had ten days
to do them or my case would be dismissed and I was ordered to pay the ex $690 dollars in attorney fees...I went and got the interrogatories from my attorney on september 14, 2012 and completed them...I had them turned back into my attorney on September 17, 2012.. my attorney who later gave me proof in an email and fax cover sheet sent the interrogatories to the opposing attorney in September 25, 2012... They were sent on the eleventh day since I had ten days to complete...My son came back on November 19, 2012 with more bruises to his upper arms and shoulders...then the final hearing was on November 21, 2012... The opposing attorney stated I didn't do his interrogatories and the judge dismissed my case and ordered I pay the ex $5000 dollars in attorney fees...I've since filed complaints against this attorney. And the judge...I feel this is judicial corruption at it's best...I contacted Bill Windosor per email for help but he ignored me...wouldn't give me the time of day or respond to this injustice...I was told verbally by my attorney if I stop visitation again I will lose all custody of my son...When I liked the American Mothers Political Party here in Facebook, Bill deleted me from Lawless America even though I had asked for help...screw him!! My plan is to sue this attorney for perjury...I just hope he has insurance for his practice...as for the judge, I hope he gets what he deserves...this is a civil rights violation for my son because he thinks because he's disabled he can't testify...my son suffers from many disorders but that doesn't make him stupid...as for my ex, I'm waiting for him to hit our son again...his ass is going to jail for assault and battery on a child...or I'll be going to jail for kicking his ass myself...


A mom is victimized by Bill Windsor-- just like family court all over again 

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